Friday, November 9, 2007


Life has never been fair. Why for the others they can easily get what they want? They've been born with such a golden spoon in their mouth and seem to enjoy life to the fullest. When some others no matter how they try they really couldn't make it till the very last. Lucky they are and seemed no problem at all but for others they no longer know where to hold and even just a single spark of hope they couldn't see at all.

Well, i think we are all designed with different roles to perform here. Our obstacles and written destiny varies for each one of us. We are created and have given the curses of life according to our strength and faith. How are we going to react and hold on to our values and beliefs for HIS promises. Whatever our role maybe we just have to give our best and enjoy the plan no matter how hard it may seem. Continue to walk in the righteous path of life.

Oh dear God without your guidance i may not be able to finish the race. I am conscious and know that at times i have sinned but do regret for all those things. I've been always following you in my own little ways and hope that in the next journey you will still continue to light my way...

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